Meet some of our many horses
Tuxs April Suprise Born 2004, Arabian, Welara Foundation Stock, 14'3 HH (Tuxedo Man X Alismidnight Lady) April is super sweet, solid, an in your pocket mare. She is ridden with dressage principles in mind, specifically western dressage is where she will excel. Works off of seat and leg aids. Wonderful walk and trot. Canter is nice as well. She needs to learn to relax more. April has a wonderful personality, tries to hard please, and is very forgiving! She's also a solid trail horse. I can't say enough good things about this mare. She will make a wonderful partner for an advanced beginner/intermediate rider.
Bailey Born 1999, Palomino Quarter Horse Mare 15 HH Bailey is an all-around nice horse. She is very respectful, level-headed, and willing to please. She is a solid trail horse, and performs well under both English and Western riding styles. Bailey used to be a trail horse out in Colorado. She has done games, been leased out to a summer horse camp, and is used for lessons. As you can see, she does anything we ask of her. She is a great confidence builder due to her speed capability and her intelligence, which she likes to test riders with! We will be using her for team sorting this spring.
Cheyenne will do anything for an apple treat and will nudge you gently if she smells one on you! Easy to catch, groom and ride. She is a sweet heart that only has a little trouble with being saddle sour. Don't let that stop you once you get on her she is willing to please, easy to cue and KNOWS the gaming patterns like the back of her hoof! Turns the barrels with ease and quite enough for advance beginners! She also is a great mount on trail and on western pleasure patterns with the right cues.
Photo of Cheyenne coming soon!
Harmony is a drop dead gorgeous tri colored in your pocket little horse! If her beauty isn’t enough just wait until you hop on this girl! She has awesome ground manners, stands all day for grooming, picks up her feet and tacks up like a champ. Harmony is great for young intermediate rider learning to riding under adult supervision but don’t let that fool you she is a BLAST for more experienced riders too. Don’t let this small package fool you she has some speed under her hoofs and will go when asked. If that is not enough Harmony personality to top this great little horse off. Tack her up and go for a trail ride or spend some time practicing your gaming patterns in the area, this girl will do it! Right now Harmony is working on controlling her excitement when she runs, as she can get carried away and just throw a hoof out in glee, not a mean bone in this little one. If you want a fun flashy ride for young or old, check out Harmony!
Born 2007, Arabian, Welara Foundation Stock, 14'3 HH (Tuxedo Man X Alismidnight Lady)
Lady is a wonderful horse and a pleasure to ride. She's as calm as can be out on the trail, no spook and likes to follow towards the end. In the arena, Lady loves to play. She has a big motor when asked for speed, and has been started on the gaming patterns and participated in a few fun shows. Lady rides english or western, and enjoys going over poles and jumps. Lady is easy to catch, and will come up to her rider at the gate. She loves to be groomed and pampered, and will stand at the trailer all day long. Lady would be perfect for the experienced rider who likes to play.
Want to ride sweet drop dead gorgeous horse, check out Liberty. Catchable, stands for grooming and mounting. She is VERY responsive to her rider’s seat, legs and vocal cues, with an amazing whoa! Walks, trots and lopes in both directions, but due to her sensitivity she may stop suddenly if her rider becomes unbalanced, hence she is recommended for an intermediate- advance rider at this time. She is just waiting for someone to love her and take her in any direction: 4-H, trails, pleasure, games, jumping or even reining.
Lucy loves to please and is learning the ropes nicely. This sweetie is easy to catch, groom, tack-up and mount. Lucy will stand all day to be groomed or in the area waiting to please her rider. She walks, trots and lopes both directions in the arena. She just had her first trail ride and did great with all the distractions, we can’t wait to take her out on her next one! Lucy takes everything in stride and looks out for her rider but would be best suited for an advanced beginner if wanting to lope as she has a fast lope. Otherwise would be great for a beginner as a walk-trot horse.
Mocha Born 2004 Appaloosa/ Clydesdale Mare 15'3 HH. Mocha is a bay snowflake that changes throughout the year with 4 tall socks and a perfect blaze. She has the sweetest temperament ever. She loves attention, easy to catch, leads nice, respects space, picks up feet and good to handle. You can sit on her in the pasture, pony kids or adults on her in the yard or ride her bareback. She stands quiet when tied, groomed, saddled, mounted and dismounted. She walks/trots/canters stops on trails and is really a smooth ride. She loves to go out and explore. Goes through mud and has some experience crossing water. Shes is a calm level headed horse. Has a nice floating trot and would be a nice dressage mount
2000 Draft Cross Mare 15'3 Hands Riley is built to last and ready to go for many miles on the trail. She is easy to catch, ties, picks up her feet nicely and takes the bit with ease. Riley can saddle from both sides, mounts on both sides without stepping off, she responds to voice commands, and leg cues. She is more on the lazy side so getting her into a higher gear takes some kicking/squeezing. She responds nicely to the word “whoa.” She pays attention and keeps on track of her task at hand and does not seem to spook easily. I really think she would excel in hunter under saddle just because her jog is so "lofty" and maybe even a jumper. She would be a good trail mount and would be best for a confident rider.
Spunky 13'3 Morgan pony Cross Spunky is in your pocket type horse, always wanting to be right next to you like a little puppy. He loves any and all kinds of treats and will smile to show his appreciation. Spunky loves to play hard to get and will try to push your buttons like a little brother but is dependable to do what he is asked. Oh and don’t let his size fool you, he loves to go and can be a little impatient during mounting but he’s working on it. Walks, trots, lopes and backs in both directions but prefers to trot and lope. He is good on trail and in the arena and has been pony-ed and had other horses pony-ed off him. Spunky is best suited for an intermediate rider who is ready to fall in love and have a good laugh every time you ride.
Zoey 2005 grey Arabian mare 14'2 hh Sire Tuxedo Man Dam Missy Zoey is cute as a button with a go-getter personality in the arena or on a trail ride! She is easy to catch, groom and tack-up. Looking for a smooth ride, check Zoey out her canter/lope is smooth as silk! Though she likes to test her riders a little at first, she quickly becomes your best friend willing to work with you for a fun ride. Zoey knows gaming patterns and has the speed for confident beginners to intermediate riders and up. Zoey is currently working on leg cues however she isn’t lazy if you ask her for more speed. She is a great horse/team member available for on-site lease.


Looking for a sweet level headed horse with a grandmother personality, check Brandy out. She is easy to catch, will stand for grooming all day, and doesn’t mind little kids/ or grown adults loving her all over. Brandy is more woah then go but will go when asked. She did wonderful on her first trail ride with another younger horse, leading the way and discovering the fun of trail riding. Brandy takes care of her rider/s, she has NEVER tried to buck, rear, bite, kick or endanger her rider in any way! Her only flaw is that she despises dogs and will remind them to keep out of her space.